

If you want to have any inquiries to us, please contact us.

Telephone inquiries


Open: Business days, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Contact: Deputy Manager, Sales Promotion Department
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays and holidays

Inquire by completing and sending the inquiry form

To submit an inquiry about lot sales, bidding, etc., complete and send the following form.

Tomatoh Inc. strives to appropriately collect, use and protect our clients' personal information. Please refer to the privacy policy concerning our handling of information that you enter on the form. After entering the required information on the inquiry form, click the Confirm button.
Items marked "*" are required fields. Be sure to enter these items.

Inquiry?/Request to documents?*
Company name*
Inquire's name*
Phone number*
E-mail address*
Confirm e-mail address*
Content of inquiry
*Required field   
